
5 Tips To Increase Your Chances Of getting Pregnant

Each person’s journey to pregnancy is unique and deeply personal. Some couples conceive right away, while others may take months or even a year or more. The process of getting pregnant and ensuring a healthy pregnancy is a remarkable experience. Hearing various stories from women about their paths to starting a family has provided me with a realistic perspective on the complexities of pregnancy.

Me 35 weeks pregnant

In our own pregnancy journey, it took us about a year from the moment we started trying to conceive. I discuss my personal experience in more detail in another blog post, but for this article, I want to focus on the valuable lessons and tips I learned along the way that contributed to our success.

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By sharing these insights, I hope to shed light on the challenges of getting pregnant and provide comfort and support to those who may be struggling. If you are currently trying and feeling stressed or discouraged, I sincerely hope this advice can offer some solace and remind you that you are not alone.

My personal tips on getting pregnant

(1) Begin monitoring your ovulation early:

Initially, I was not consistent with tracking my ovulation. I would test at different times each day, and I struggled to interpret the Ovulation strips accurately. It took me around four months to understand my menstrual cycle and recognize the pattern of my LH surge. Even then, I found ovulation test strips confusing, so I decided to supplement my tracking with two additional methods: Clearblue ovulation tests and a basal thermometer. These extra tools helped me validate my cycle.

By the time I finally conceived, I had been monitoring my ovulation for months, allowing me to accurately predict my next ovulation. Looking back, if I were to repeat the process, I would solely rely on the basal thermometer as it was easier to maintain consistency and didn’t involve urine samples.

(2) Space out intimate encounters:

beginning five days before ovulation: One mistake I made when I discovered I was ovulating was waiting to engage in intimate activities until later or even the following day. Little did I know that the ovulation window is quite short, with an egg remaining viable for only about 24 hours after ovulation. Therefore, it is actually optimal to have intercourse before ovulation occurs. Sperm can survive within a woman’s reproductive system for three to five days,

so it is beneficial to have sperm present in the reproductive tract before ovulation takes place. Since ovulation strips confirm when ovulation is occurring, it is crucial to track and understand your ovulation cycle early on.

(3) Keep ovulation information to yourself:

While trying to conceive, it is essential to maintain a stress-free and enjoyable environment for both partners. Sharing the details of your ovulation cycle with your partner might inadvertently create additional pressure or turn the process into a routine.

Personally, I did not believe it helped to inform my partner when I was ovulating, nor did I think it made a significant difference. In fact, when I finally became pregnant, my partner was pleasantly surprised because he had no idea that I was secretly tracking my cycle and timing our intimacy accordingly.

(4) Minimize stress, and take breaks if necessary:

It is ironic how many people assume that getting pregnant is easy, when in reality, it can be quite challenging, especially as one gets older. Some of my friends conceived immediately, either due to fortunate timing or a stress-free mindset.

However, for others, the experience involved several months or even a year of trying. Stress has been known to play a significant role in fertility, and the anxiety and pressure that accumulate over failed attempts can further hinder the chances of conception. Taking breaks from actively trying to conceive can help reduce stress levels and provide a fresh start. After six months of unsuccessful attempts, my partner and I decided to take a break

(5) Be open to alternative options:

In the event that conceiving naturally becomes challenging, it is important to be accepting of alternative paths, such as IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). Personally, I acknowledged IVF as a viable option and was prepared to embrace it if necessary. One advantage of IVF is the ability to choose the gender of the baby.

Fortunately, we were fortunate enough to conceive naturally, but knowing that IVF was a backup plan relieved some pressure and offered reassurance. If you have been trying for over a year without success, it may be worthwhile to consider being open to alternative approaches. Interestingly, I have known friends who coincidentally became pregnant in the very month they were exploring or planning for IVF, so who knows what fate has in store!

If you find yourself in the wonderful position of being pregnant and are now contemplating the best way to share this incredible news with your loved ones, I have just the thing for you!

The female reproductive cycle is truly amazing, complicated, and fascinating. Beginning my pregnancy journey and hearing experiences from my friends helped me understand the complexities involved in creating a baby. Despite the fact that it took around a year, I am grateful for the timing of my conception. It let me to fully enjoy a colorful “hot-girl-summer,” celebrate the milestones of my greatest friends, and go on countless activities.

My experiences in 2019 might have been very different if I had become pregnant straight at the start of my attempts. I am confident that those destined to be parents will eventually fulfill that responsibility. So, if you’re currently trying to conceive but haven’t had any luck, be patient, trust in the timing of the universe, and take comfort in knowing that you’re not alone. Thank you for your time reading this!

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  1. That’s interesting how stress and anxiety over trying to conceive can actually affect your success of conceiving. Stress has so many effects on us we don’t even realize!

  2. This is great information for anyone looking to conceive. Especially about spacing out intimate encounters.

  3. LavandaMIchelle says:

    It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and understand the ovulation cycle, during this time.

  4. Monidipa Dutta says:

    This is going to come handy for me! Its really helpful for women trying.

  5. so very useful to know for those trying to conceive. while i myself did not face issues, i have friends and family who went through tough times trying to get pregnant and know some of these tips worked for them in the end

  6. I never thought about keeping your ovulation info to yourself. It seems like it would help make it not so stressful and more “natural”. Great tips!

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