Baby Teething Symptoms and Remedies

Baby Teething Symptoms and gentle Remedies for discomfort

Teething can be tough for babies and parents. Babies get fussy and chew on everything, even you! Breastfeeding moms feel the pain too. Ouch! But don’t worry, there are safe, natural ways to help your teething baby feel better. Here are some things I do to help my baby.

How to tell if your baby is teething:

  • Drooling a lot or getting a rash from it
  • Always chewing on hard things
  • More cranky than usual
  • Swollen gums where teeth are coming in
  • Not wanting to eat much
  • Slight fever under 100F
Baby Teething Symptoms and Remedies

Ways to help with teething pain:

Remember, not all babies are the same. Try different things to see what works for your child. Here’s what helps my daughter:

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  1. Chill all teethers in the fridge: Clean baby’s teethers, put them in a bag, and chill them in the fridge. They’re cold enough to help but not too cold for baby’s gums.

Top Teething Toys (according to my baby!)

  1. Cold wet washcloth: Wet a clean washcloth with cold water, squeeze it out, and give it to baby. It’s cool and has texture that feels good on gums.
  2. Teething biscuits: Teething biscuits can be messy but they help soothe baby’s gums. Look for ones made from fruits and veggies. My baby likes Organics Happy Baby Teethers.
  3. Cold foods: Some babies like cold purees or chewing on cold veggies like carrots or cucumber slices. Make sure baby is in a highchair and supervised.
  4. Cold drinks: Put cold water, juice, formula, or breastmilk in a sippy cup for baby to play with. My baby uses her sippy cup as a teether too.

Give baby extra love and attention:

Sometimes, hugs and snuggles are all baby needs. Give them a teether, cuddle up, and sing their favorite song!

What NOT to use:

  • Teething Gel or Tablets: They can be harmful to baby’s health.
  • Baby Teething Necklace: They haven’t been proven to work and can be dangerous.
  • Essential Oils: They’re not necessary and can be risky for baby’s safety.

Stick to cold teethers, a cold washcloth, cold food, and cold drinks to keep your child safe and comfortable!

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