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diaper bag essentials for newborn and toddlers

If you’re a mom who likes to keep things simple, and you need to know what to pack in your diaper bag for your new baby and toddler, you’re in the right place!

When my little one was tiny, I used to put too much stuff in our diaper bag – things we never even used. The bag would get really heavy, and finding what we actually needed was tough.

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As time went on, I realized there are some baby things you don’t have to take everywhere. It’s much better to just pick the important things and head out.

I understand how easy it is to pack too much, and I also know how stressful it is to forget things you really need.

That’s why I made this list for you, along with a free checklist for your diaper bag that you can download.

This is the list I wish I had when I first became a mom

diaper bag checklist for newborn and toddlers

Before we start, I want you to know that even though this list has only the really important stuff, it’s still a bit long. And yes, every single thing on this list is needed. I never realized how many things moms have to put in a diaper bag until I became a mom myself.

I get it now, why moms take so much time to leave the house. Along with getting the baby and herself ready, she also needs to pack as if the baby is going on a trip. So, just bring the important things – this list is already pretty long.

Having a diaper bag that’s not just big, but also not too expensive, is really useful. You can find some of my favorite diaper bags on Amazon.

Anyway, let’s do this! These are the most important things to put in your diaper bag the things you’ll really need

1. Diapers

Newborns needs about 8-12 diapers a day. Toddlers needs about 8 diapers a day. I highly suggest that you pack extra diapers wherever you go. If you don’t want to have so many diapers in your diaper bag then you can just leave some in your car.

2. Baby wipes

It’s really crucial to have baby wipes with you wherever you’re heading. You wouldn’t want to end up using a sock because you don’t have anything else to clean your baby’s butt with. If you’ve got a fresh pack of wipes that’s making your diaper bag too full, just take some out and stash them in a zip lock bag. But remember to take plenty, because just like diapers, having more than you think you’ll need is always a smart move.

3. Bibs

I’ve left my house so many times without bibs and I always regret it, especially when my son has worn really nice outfits. I can’t tell you how many shirts and pants I’ve thrown away because they had huge stains that wouldn’t go away.

4. extra clothes

You always want to have extra clothes. When my daughter was born, I would change her around 4 times a day if not more. And it wasn’t because I wanted to, I actually had to because she would throw up very often. Now that she’s a toddler, I change her around 3 times a day. But, when we step out of the house I change her like another 2-3 more times.

5. blanket

Blankets can be used to change your baby’s diaper in a car, plane or someone else’s house. You never want to just lay your baby down in dirty places right? Blankets can help protect your baby from germs. Just make sure to not cover your baby with it after 

6. bottles

Babies are very picky when it comes to bottles. We tried many different brands when transitioning our baby to bottles and we struggled, until we started using Dr. Browns. You should always keep 2 bottles in your diaper bag, one for water and one for milk. You cant forget the bottles, especially if your baby can’t drink from a straw yet.

7. changing pads

I came across these disposable changing pads and they made mom life easier. I no longer have to place our nice baby blankets in public, dirty places.

8. Travel Bottle warmer

If you’re exclusively breastfeeding, you probably won’t need this unless you bottle feed when you’re out and about. This travel baby bottle warmer will help keep your baby’s milk warm for over 6 hours. It’s portable and convenient and it doesn’t need electricity to do it’s job. It’s best to put boiling water inside, so by the time you use it it’ll be warm

9. Breastfeeding cover

Before I knew that breastfeeding covers existed, I used to use blankets. And it was a struggle to do so many different things at once. I would struggle to pull my breast out, hold my baby and hold the blanket so it wouldn’t fall down my shoulder.

10. burp clothes

I never carry extra clothes for myself so it’s very upsetting. You can’t clean up baby throw up easily, you have to wet your clothes and rub the throw up off. Sometimes it just ends up looking worse. So, just put a burp cloth in your diaper bag, trust me.

11. pacifier

If your baby actually likes pacifiers, you should always have one in your diaper bag. They will come in handy when you’re out and about and need to calm your baby.

12. Thermometer

I always keep a thermometer tucked away in my diaper bag because I randomly check my baby’s temperature to make sure she’s doing okay. Especially when she’s being fussy and I’ve already fed her and changed her diaper. It can be an indication that she’s not feeling well.

13. Teething toy

Teething toys are used to help babies deal with pain when their teeth start to sprout. They can also be used as a toy to keep babies entertained when you’re busy. These teething toys contain no toxins that can harm your baby. They’re very soft, biting on these helps baby’s teeth sprout easier and faster.

14. Bulb Syringe

You need this bulb syringe in your diaper bag at all times. You’ll want to have it with you always but specially if your baby is sick. It’s so important to have their nose clear so they can breathe easily.

15. diaper rash ointment

Diaper rash ointments help heal the area gently and also helps prevent rashes, If you’re stepping out the house with your baby you should apply some before leaving the house in case you’re not able to change their diaper on time. Always keep it in your diaper bag.

16. disposable diaper trash bags

These bags have a nice scent that block the diaper’s foul odor. If you put your diaper in a bag and forget it in the car, it won’t make the car smell bad. Never ever forget to put a trash bag for dirty diapers in your diaper bag

17. hand sanitizer

You must have a sanitizer in your diaper bag 24/7. Your hands should always be clean because you’re often touching your baby’s hands and face.

Being prepared is key to a smooth outing with your little ones. But remember, the contents of your diaper bag may evolve as your child grows, so it’s essential to adapt to their changing needs. For more tips on parenting and child care, be sure to check out my other related topics like Toddler Must Haves For Summer and Ideas For Documemting Your Baby’s First Year

diaper bag essentials for newborn and toddlers


  1. absolutely agree with all these must haves! That bottle warmer is probably the coolest gadget I’ve ever seen! Keep up the great work mama!

  2. These are great things to have, my aunt always carries them with her since she got her newborn. Nice to see it here as well.

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