how to get a Good Night's Sleep During Pregnancy

how to get a Good Night’s Sleep During Pregnancy

Struggling to get a good night’s sleep while pregnant, especially at night? If so, these tips are here to help!

During pregnancy, I found it challenging to sleep well, primarily due to my big, hard, and round belly. It made sleeping on my stomach impossible, which is my favorite sleeping position. Experts also advised against lying on your back during pregnancy, so that was off the table too. The safest option was lying on your side, but even that was less comfortable for me.

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how to get a Good Night's Sleep During Pregnancy

I felt like I was going insane. My sleep quality was poor, and I constantly felt tired and irritable. Many nights, I would wake up multiple times and struggle to fall back asleep, which was incredibly frustrating.

However, I discovered some helpful tips that significantly improved my sleep quality during pregnancy. Let’s explore them:

tips for better pregnancy sleep

Use a pregnancy pillow

One of the most effective ways to improve your sleep during pregnancy is by investing in an Extra Large U-Shaped Pregnancy Pillow. These specially designed pillows provide excellent support for your entire body, helping you find a comfortable sleeping position. The U-shaped design cradles your body and provides support for your back, belly, and legs simultaneously.

When I started using this pregnancy pillow, I noticed a significant reduction in discomfort and improved sleep quality. It allowed me to sleep on my side comfortably, which is the recommended sleeping position during pregnancy. The unique shape of the pillow prevents you from rolling onto your back, which can be unsafe during the later stages of pregnancy.

Use a Knee Pillow

My partner surprised me with a knee pillow, and it made a world of difference in my comfort. This unique pillow helps align your spine and reduces neck and back pain, providing a more comfortable sleep.

Thanks to this knee pillow, I was finally able to sleep better during pregnancy. If placing a regular pillow between your legs doesn’t work, consider trying this specially designed cushion, as it is firmer and more effective.

Relaxing Baths with Epsom Salt

I often took warm baths with Epsom Salts in the middle of the night while pregnant. Warm water raises your body temperature, and when you get out, your temperature drops. This drop in temperature slows down your heart and breathing rate, promoting relaxation and quicker sleep.

I added lavender Epsom salts to my bath for an extra relaxing effect. Lavender is known for its calming properties, and it made my bathroom smell amazing. After my bath, I felt extremely sleepy and relaxed. Remember to use warm, not hot, water for your bath, as hot baths are not recommended during pregnancy.

organic Belly Butter

This belly butter, infused with organic shea butter and cocoa butter, helped me sleep better at night. It has a soothing cocoa butter scent that promotes relaxation and sleep.

Besides aiding sleep, this belly butter is designed to prevent itching and reduce stretch marks during and after pregnancy. Knowing that it’s 100% natural and effective for preventing scarring gives you peace of mind.

By following these tips, you can improve your sleep quality during pregnancy, especially during the challenging third trimester. Pregnancy can be tough, but getting good sleep is essential, so give these methods a try! Also check these out if your’e dealing with skin darkening during pregnancy

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  1. Beautiful Touches says:

    Sleeping was already difficult for me, still is, but it was just so much worse during pregnancies! The body pillows, especially the curved ones, were so helpful!

  2. Not a mom yet but your suggestions are really helpful. I am sure I am going to need to soon so I am pinning it.

  3. Everything Enchanting says:

    Such great tips! I have bookmarked this post for future reference! 😉 Thanks for sharing 🙂.

  4. Richelle Milar says:

    That pillow looks really nice to have if you are pregnant. I’m gonna share this with my friend

  5. Olivia Douglass says:

    These are GREAT tips! I know sleep was super challenging when I was pregnant and my pregnancy pillow saved me

  6. Marie Gizelle says:

    Sleep during pregnancy for me wasn’t easy, had cramps often – thank goodness for magnesium – it helped both with the cramps and having sound sleep!

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