pregnancy tips and hacks

Pregnancy Tips for Expecting Moms: Pro Hacks for a Stress Free Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time when your body is changing. But it can also make your life a bit more complicated. From dealing with daily symptoms to remembering important things, it can be a lot to handle. I’m expecting my second child, and it’s not any easier this time around, in fact, it’s harder!

pregnancy tips and hacks

While we can’t change the fact that pregnancy can be tough, there are some shortcuts that can make it a bit easier. These tips can help with morning sickness and save you money. Here are hacks and tips you should try if you’re expecting!. And go check these 10 postpartum items if you give birh

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Use Sea Sickness Bands:

Some moms use Sea-Band wristbands meant for sea sickness to help with morning sickness. They work by pressing on a certain point on your wrist. It might be a bit uncomfortable at first, but it’s worth a try.

Try Nausea Popsicles:

Dehydration and an empty stomach can make morning sickness worse. nausea Popsicles, especially ones with ginger or citrus, can help. You can make your own or buy them at the store.

Use a Hair Tie for Tight Jeans:

When your regular jeans don’t fit anymore, you can use a hair tie to keep them up. It’s a simple trick, but it works best in the early stages of pregnancy.

Invest in a Belly Band:

A Belly Band can help you wear your regular jeans for longer. It’s a good investment if you don’t want to buy maternity jeans right away.

Use Scents to Fight Nausea:

The smell of scented candles especially ginger and citrus can help with morning sickness. You can find candles or air fresheners with these scents to use when you’re feeling sick.

Extend Your Bra’s Life:

Your breasts will grow during pregnancy, so get a comfortable bra that can grow with you. Look for wide-banded, wire-free, and cotton bras. Buying a cup size bigger can also help. Make sure it comes with a bra extender to accommodate further growth.

Protect Sensitive Nipples:

Pregnancy can make your breasts tender and swollen. Invest in nipple covers or slips for comfort.

Use Kinesio Tape:

Kinesio tape can support your muscles and joints during pregnancy. It helps distribute the weight of your growing belly and can prevent issues like diastasis recti.

Kinesio Taping techniques for pregnant women
Kinesio Taping techniques for pregnant women

Use a Pill Organizer:

Pregnancy brain is real, and you might forget important things like taking your prenatal vitamins. A pill organizer can help you stay organized.

Create a Bedside Snack Kit:

Keep snacks like pretzels, crackers, and anti-nausea candy in a Snack Kit by your bedside. Snacking before bed and upon waking can help reduce morning sickness.

Get a Pregnancy Pillow:

A pregnancy pillow can improve your sleep, especially as your belly grows. It offers various sleeping positions for comfort. Use a Postpartum Pillow to Prevent Headaches (and Diastasis Recti) Meet the Boppy pillow, a postpartum pillow for your post-delivery recovery. It supports your sore bum and improves your posture, helping with tension headaches and diastasis recti.

Lie on Your Stomach with a Donut-Shaped Inflatable

If you want to lie on your stomach while pregnant, use a donut-shaped inflatable pillow. It’s a convenient alternative but use it in moderation.

Choose No-Tie Shoelaces

for Comfort Tying shoelaces can be hard with a growing belly. Use silicone no-tie shoelaces to make it easier and more comfortable.

Wear Compression Socks to Reduce Swelling

Swelling is common in pregnancy. Wear compression socks to reduce swelling in your feet and legs.

Use a Grabber Tool for Picking Up Items

Bending down can be difficult when pregnant. Use a grabber tool to pick up lightweight items without bending. Note: Beware it can not pickup things heavier than 5 pounds

Buy Clothes You Can Wear After Pregnancy

Choose clothes like shift dresses and baggy shirts that you can wear during and after pregnancy to save money.

Use a Squatty Potty for Easier Bathroom Breaks

The Squatty Potty helps you assume a natural position for bowel movements, making it easier during pregnancy.

Use the Baby Pics App for Pregnancy Photos

The Baby Pics App lets you easily add stickers to your pregnancy photos for cute and memorable keepsakes.

Don’t Buy Hospital-Provided Postpartum Care Items

Avoid buying postpartum care items that the hospital will provide. Check with your hospital during your tour to see which items you will be given so that you know what you should actually purchcase, Opt for natural alternatives like earthmama herbal perineal spray if you prefer.

Plan and Prepare Kits for Postpartum and Breastfeeding

Create kits for breastfeeding and postpartum care to make your daily routine smoother. Also, prepare freezer meals ahead of time.

breastfeeding items

postpartum care items

Pregnancy can be challenging, but these tips can make it a bit more manageable. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey, and there are ways to make it easier.”

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